Office head
The health history of Tikapur Hospital has a history of various stages of development from the primary health post to the hospital with 15 beds in 2064 and 51 beds in 2072 with various additional facilities such as additional equipment, human resources and infrastructure to meet the needs and expectations of the population. Since the development of both clinical and non-clinical facilities in the hospital, it is known that the flow of patients in the hospital is increasing significantly as compared to the past history. Currently, the hospital lacks enough doctors to provide specialist healthcare, we have a large number of non-clinical staff and all are working well with the commitment of stalls. Accessing quality health services. While strengthening hospital service rendering capabilities, the hospital installed token machines to make it easier for patients to get OPD tickets, similarly, the hospital introduced diagnostic services i.e. to render X-rays, laboratory services,... View More
Title | Published Date | Download | |
बोलपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना | 2081-09-24 | ||
अन्तिम नतिजा प्रकाशन सम्बन्धमा | 2081-09-16 | ||
लिखित परीक्षाको नतिजा प्रकाशन तथा अन्तर्वार्ता सम्बन्धी सुचना | 2081-09-14 |
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